Corporate Fixed Deposits

What are Corporate Fixed Deposits and Their Interest Rates?

Investors often need help with exploring investment options. One such under-explored option is Corporate Fixed Deposits. You're not alone if you're puzzled about what they are, their advantages, and, most importantly, corporate fixed deposit interest rates.

This guide aims to unravel the complexities surrounding corporate fixed deposits in India, providing a comprehensive understanding that could prove invaluable in your investment journey.

What Are corporate fixed deposits?

Corporate Fixed Deposits are term deposits offered by companies that are not banks. Unlike traditional bank fixed deposits, these are avenues for companies to raise capital for their business needs.

How they work

Corporate Fixed Deposits function much like traditional fixed deposits. You invest a lump sum amount at a fixed interest rate for a predetermined period. However, the main difference lies in the corporate fixed deposit interest rates, which tend to be higher than those banks offer.

Types of companies offering them

In India, various types of companies offer Corporate Fixed Deposits. These could range from manufacturing companies to financial institutions. However, investing only in well-rated companies is essential to ensure your capital's safety.

Advantages of corporate fixed deposits

Higher interest rates

One of the most compelling reasons to invest in corporate fixed deposits in India is their higher interest rates than bank FDs. This can substantially increase your returns over the investment period.


Corporate Fixed Deposits offer a good deal of flexibility regarding the investment period and the frequency of interest payouts, whether monthly, quarterly, or annually.


Adding Corporate Fixed Deposits to your investment portfolio can provide much-needed diversification, reducing the overall risk and potentially enhancing returns.

Risks involved

Investing in any financial instrument comes with its share of risks, and Corporate Fixed Deposits are no exception. While they offer the lure of higher returns, it's crucial to be aware of the associated risks.

Let's delve into the primary risks involved in investing in Corporate Fixed Deposits, including credit risk, liquidity risks, and the regulatory environment.

Credit risk

The most significant risk associated with Corporate Fixed Deposits is credit risk, which is the risk of the company defaulting on either the interest payments or the principal amount.

Unlike bank FDs, which are generally considered safer due to rigorous banking regulations, Corporate Fixed Deposits are subject to the financial health of the company you are investing in.

So, assessing a company's credit rating, financial statements, and overall market reputation is essential before investing.

Credit ratings by agencies like CRISIL, ICRA, or CARE can provide valuable insights into a company's financial stability. A higher rating, usually denoted by 'AAA' or 'AA,' suggests lower credit risk.

Additionally, you should also check the company's balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and cash flow statements for the past few years to get a comprehensive view of its financial health.

Liquidity risks

Another key risk factor to consider is liquidity risk. Corporate Fixed Deposits generally offer lower liquidity compared to their bank counterparts.

This means that if you need to withdraw your investment prematurely—before the end of the term—you could face penalties or lose out on a portion of the interest accrued.

Premature withdrawal penalties can significantly impact your returns and negate the benefits of  interest. Reading the fine print and understanding the terms and conditions related to premature withdrawals is crucial.

Always consider your liquidity needs and opt for a Corporate Fixed Deposit with a term that aligns with your financial goals to minimize liquidity risks.

Must Read: How To Partially Withdraw Funds From Fixed Deposit

Regulatory environment

Lastly, the regulatory environment is another area where Corporate Fixed Deposits differ markedly from bank FDs. Banks in India are closely regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), providing a safety net to investors.

On the other hand, Corporate Fixed Deposits are not as tightly regulated, making it crucial for the investor to conduct thorough due diligence before investing.

This lack of stringent regulation makes it all the more important to scrutinize the company's credentials, governance policies, and track record.

Look for companies that are transparent about their operations and have a history of consistent performance. Also, read reviews and seek opinions from financial experts or investors who have previously invested in Corporate Fixed Deposits

Understanding interest rates

Factors affecting interest rates

Several factors, such as the company's credit rating, the term length, and prevailing market conditions, can affect corporate fixed deposit rates.

Comparison with bank FD rates

When considering how to invest in corporate fixed deposits, comparing their interest rates with those offered by bank FDs is vital. Corporate FD rates are typically higher, but they come with added risk.

How to Get the Best Rates

To get the best corporate fixed deposit interest rates, it's advisable to compare offers from multiple companies, check credit ratings, and read the terms and conditions carefully.

Understanding tax implications

Tax on interest

Like bank FDs, the interest earned on Corporate Fixed Deposits is taxable. The tax rate will depend on your overall income slab.

TDS implications

TDS is deducted on the interest earned from Corporate Fixed Deposits, similar to bank FDs. However, the rules might vary between companies.

Filing and documentation

Including the interest income when filing your tax returns is crucial.
Make sure you collect the TDS certificates and maintain proper documentation.

Must Read: The Ins and Outs of Fixed Deposit Accounts

How to invest in corporate fixed deposits


The first step in how to invest in corporate fixed deposits is doing your research. Look at company ratings, past performance, and reviews.

Application process

Most companies have a straightforward application process, which can often be completed online. Some might require you to visit their offices or meet with a representative.

Monitoring investments

Once invested, it's essential to monitor your Corporate Fixed Deposit regularly. Ensure you receive the interest payouts as promised and monitor the company's financial health.


Investing in Corporate Fixed Deposits can be a lucrative but slightly risky venture. Understanding the nuances of corporate fixed deposit rates and the companies offering them can equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions.

And while you're considering investment options, you may also want to explore financial products like the ability to open instant zero balance account for day-to-day money management. 
